Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008
A Spoonful of Sugar...Please!
I am struggling to force myself to do work that does not appeal to me in the least. I can think of a thousand things I'd rather be doing. I pity every child in school who has to force himself to sit in those chairs and do hour after hour of (what is to him) drudge work. I am both the child and the taskmaster right now. To see if I could find something encouraging on the internet to inspire me in this task, I found this admonition from William C. Gannett, author of Making the Most of Life (1886) admonishing us to “the very fundamentals of all fine manhood and fine womanhood, the fundamentals that underlie all fulness and without which no other culture worth the winning is even possible,” namely:
- power of attention
- power of industry
- promptitude in beginning work
- method and accuracy and despatch in doing it
- perseverance
- courage before difficulties
- cheer
- self-control and
- self-denial "
The sermon in church this past Sunday was on giving thanks as you go through trials of all kinds. The pastor advised that if we cooperate with God and learn the lessons the first time, maybe God wouldn't have to keep bringing us round again and again through the same thing. Those who love me can pray I would not be mutton-headed, and would learn to exercise these qualities in the present state of self-imposed torture in which I find myself.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Dirt Man!
It gets stranger. The dirt man was accompanied by a woman made of dirt, as well as a child, also made of dirt. Strange you may think it, but the dirt man seemed quite fond of them, caressing them with his hands of earth. He looked up at the sky earlier tonight and seemed to be moved by the beauty of the evening clouds.
He shows no sign of leaving, and evidently plans to be there when I go to bed. I won't be surprised if he stays with me all my days.
Amazing! A man made out of dirt, who not only functions physically, but also thinks, perceives, and feels. How did he come to be, this man of the unthinking, unconscious dust? Was he made in a moment, or did it take eons?
Either way, it would take a miracle. As any truly skeptical investigator could tell you, dirt just doesn't get up and do those sorts of things all by itself.
- Chris Ross
The Highlights of History

Thursday, January 3, 2008
My Theory on Dragons and Giant Movie Monsters
You're all laughing at me, I know. But you just wait and see if my theory holds water. If movie studios asked my opinion more often before they dumped millions into their movies, I could help them make a lot more money. [Yes, I know that the coolest movie dragon ever, Vermithrax (pictured above right) was in a movie that only fared modestly at the box office. But it was Vermithrax that made it possible for that movie to attain the status of a cult classic rather than a forgettable flop.]