Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Question for Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, et al

If there is no God, then why go to all the energy of writing books and producing movies to convince people of the fact? How could it possibly matter? Nothing would matter. Everything would be absurd. Valuing truth would be a random decision, as would valuing anything else. So why bother?

I actually have some idea of what they would say in response, but when it all gets down to brass tacks, they don't really have anything meaningful to say that doesn't depend on a God to make it coherent.

Do they really not see this?

There are Christians who hide from tough questions, and there are some tough questions for which clear and tidy answers are scarce. But to be anadvocate for atheism requires a blindness of sorts, and to be an atheist at all requires a blind leap of faith to believe that all that is apparently meaningful is in the end a temporary flash and noise in an empty room.

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