Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Smart People Talking

There's a radio show on NPR that has a game segment called "Things You Should Have Learned in School But Probably Didn't". Hardly anybody receives a classical education these days, so we have to go out and get the education we should have had for ourselves (plus, we should always be learning. As my grandmother says, "As the years go on you have to fight against the shrinking of your world"). Listening to wise and learned people in conversation is a fun part of this endeavor. Two of the smartest people I've ever met, Bill Bennett and Chuck Colson, converse for our listening pleasure about culture, religion, education, and politics at this link: It's worth listening to. Click on the link for November 13.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

your entries are insightful and well thought out. Most days I can't think past "Which one of these is a pentagon?" from the preschool channel.

Love, your wife