Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Question for Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, et al
I actually have some idea of what they would say in response, but when it all gets down to brass tacks, they don't really have anything meaningful to say that doesn't depend on a God to make it coherent.
Do they really not see this?
There are Christians who hide from tough questions, and there are some tough questions for which clear and tidy answers are scarce. But to be anadvocate for atheism requires a blindness of sorts, and to be an atheist at all requires a blind leap of faith to believe that all that is apparently meaningful is in the end a temporary flash and noise in an empty room.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Surprising Update From the Czechs
Klaus, an economist, said he opposed the "climate alarmism" perpetuated by environmentalism trying to impose their ideals, comparing it to the decades of communist rule he experienced growing up in Soviet-dominated Czechoslovakia.
"Like their (communist) predecessors, they will be certain that they have the right to sacrifice man and his freedom to make their idea reality," he said. "In the past, it was in the name of the Marxists or of the proletariat - this time, in the name of the planet," he added.
Klaus said a free market should be used to address environmental concerns and said he oppposed as unrealistic regulations or greenhouse gas capping systems designed to reduce the impact of climate change.
Full story at,czech-president-klaus-ready-to-debate-gore-on-climate-change.html
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Here is an excerpt from George Will's latest column, on the subject of government activism concerning polar bears and the larger global environmental political movement:
"What Friedrich Hayek called the "fatal conceit" -- the idea that government can know the future's possibilities and can and should control the future's unfolding -- is the left's agenda. The left exists to enlarge the state's supervision of life, narrowing individual choices in the name of collective goods. Hence the left's hostility to markets. And to automobiles -- people going wherever they want whenever they want.
Today's "green left" is the old "red left" revised. "
Baroness Maggie - right again. Let's clean up our air so we can breathe, let's get off our dependence on oil, but let's not live under enviro-tyranny.
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Dear John Letter
I am fairly sure that at this point you are the only who bothers to check this blog, since I haven't updated it in more than a month. Thus the title. I just caught up on the last week or so of entries on your blog. Very interesting and well done.
Here is a quick recap of my latest thoughts:
Ava's question of why she needs to know that stuff is an important one. I'm glad you took advantage of the moment. It concerns and saddens me that for so many young people (college students I've met), when they know any of our history at all, it's been "taught" to them in such a way as to dismiss the founders of our country as elite hypocrites whose value choices ("moral failures" would imply an enduring standard to which many of their critics would not subscribe) disqualify them from having anything meaningful to say to us today. Thus a generation - or several, as is more likely the case - has much that is wise, humane, and colorful stolen from it before they are perceptive enough to mentally chew on it and digest it. Here is my thought for Ava: the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is possibly the central idea of what America is all about. To make this idea practical in the governing of a free people, the Constitution was written. To make sure that we stuck to and at last fully lived out this idea, the Civil War was fought. To continue in our mission of spreading this idea, we have fought several wars against tyrants, some of whom wanted to enslave the world to their vicious ideas through a tremendous slaughter. Sometimes we've made mistakes (especially lately) but this has been our mission as a country. Some people don't believe in the principles of the Declaration anymore, and like the Confederate politicians back in the old days, they attack these principles. Right now, we are probably more divided on this issue than at any time since the Civil War. Our mission as a nation - or the question of whether we have one - depends on people like Ava. This is my opinion of why it's important to know this stuff.
Now it's late and I'm too tired to write any more thoughts.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Electronic Sunshine
The "Working Can Wait" song:
The classic, hilarious Bugs Bunny hillbilly square dance:
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
R.I.P. William F. Buckley, Jr.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Defining Conservatism
1. There is a God, and he is not us. He created the universe, but is not confined by it, or by time. He created us (whether this was done quickly or slowly is an in-house debate, but the key point is that we are created by a Creator, not as a result of random events).
2. As a result of #1, we humans have meaning and worth, and owe our allegiance to our Creator. Our rights are a by-product of these facts.
3. We are fallen creatures. We do not perfectly reflect our Creator. Man (or humankind) is not perfectible as a species.
4. However, we do reflect him, albeit imperfectly.
5. Because of #3, government is necessary.
6. Also because of #3, government (which is made up of fallen people) cannot be trusted but must itself be limited, constrained, and monitored.
7. The purpose of government must therefore be to best approximate the conditions for the expression of #4 and the rights inherent in #2, always keeping in mind the realities of #3.
8. In order to be financially stable, one must live within one's means. This applies to governments as well as individuals.
9. Free markets should not necessarily be absolutely free, but by and large, they are the best means of producing innovation, invention, and the goods and services that people want.
10. There will not, short of Kingdom Come, be a utopia on earth (see #3). We will maximize our happiness by realizing that we can only hope for a maximized approximation of human potential. This is usually referred to as "freedom" or "liberty".
11. In pursuit of #10, we can usually be guided by Winston Churchill's maxim that democracy is the worst of all systems, except for all the rest.
12. To moderate #11, however, we must remember James Madison's maxim that a system of government must fit the "genius of the people". In other words, not all peoples or cultures at a given time are equally suited to practicing democracy. (The Russians, for example, admire a strong hand by their government. "Nobody ever said Ivan was dumb" as the U.S. military was once fond of saying. Yet Ivan seems to lack the talent of practicing freedom.) Also moderating #11 is C.S. Lewis' leading question: what if monarchy is the means of irrigating the dust-bowl of modern politics? Thus the constitutional monarchy is not necessarily anathema to freedom or liberty.
13. The power to tax is the power to destroy. Taxes are necessary but should be kept to a minimum.
14. Bullies must be resisted, or they will go on bullying.
15. War is hellish, but the willingness and ability to wage war skillfully and decisively can usually preserve peace. Conversely, a people that refuses absolutely to wage war will be enslaved or martyred. Never the less, war is to be avoided unless prudence dictates otherwise.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Roughing It
When I go to Yosemite on my own, or with my brother, part of the enjoyment I get is from the fact that I can live on almost nothing and have a fantastic time. The feeling of being able to stay in a campsite for 12 bucks, and have breakfast, lunch, and dinner for under 20 (or less), that I can have a hot shower for two dollars and feel like a million bucks, somehow makes me feel young and that the world is full of good possibilities. Whereas if I pay hundreds and stay in a lodge room, it's nice but...something is missing. It's not the money savings, but a feeling of being more in tune with the real essentials of living well. Everything seems to have more flavor and excitement. A gluttonous feeling of waste slides off. I appreciate each thing more fully.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008
A Spoonful of Sugar...Please!
I am struggling to force myself to do work that does not appeal to me in the least. I can think of a thousand things I'd rather be doing. I pity every child in school who has to force himself to sit in those chairs and do hour after hour of (what is to him) drudge work. I am both the child and the taskmaster right now. To see if I could find something encouraging on the internet to inspire me in this task, I found this admonition from William C. Gannett, author of Making the Most of Life (1886) admonishing us to “the very fundamentals of all fine manhood and fine womanhood, the fundamentals that underlie all fulness and without which no other culture worth the winning is even possible,” namely:
- power of attention
- power of industry
- promptitude in beginning work
- method and accuracy and despatch in doing it
- perseverance
- courage before difficulties
- cheer
- self-control and
- self-denial "
The sermon in church this past Sunday was on giving thanks as you go through trials of all kinds. The pastor advised that if we cooperate with God and learn the lessons the first time, maybe God wouldn't have to keep bringing us round again and again through the same thing. Those who love me can pray I would not be mutton-headed, and would learn to exercise these qualities in the present state of self-imposed torture in which I find myself.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Dirt Man!
It gets stranger. The dirt man was accompanied by a woman made of dirt, as well as a child, also made of dirt. Strange you may think it, but the dirt man seemed quite fond of them, caressing them with his hands of earth. He looked up at the sky earlier tonight and seemed to be moved by the beauty of the evening clouds.
He shows no sign of leaving, and evidently plans to be there when I go to bed. I won't be surprised if he stays with me all my days.
Amazing! A man made out of dirt, who not only functions physically, but also thinks, perceives, and feels. How did he come to be, this man of the unthinking, unconscious dust? Was he made in a moment, or did it take eons?
Either way, it would take a miracle. As any truly skeptical investigator could tell you, dirt just doesn't get up and do those sorts of things all by itself.
- Chris Ross
The Highlights of History

Thursday, January 3, 2008
My Theory on Dragons and Giant Movie Monsters
You're all laughing at me, I know. But you just wait and see if my theory holds water. If movie studios asked my opinion more often before they dumped millions into their movies, I could help them make a lot more money. [Yes, I know that the coolest movie dragon ever, Vermithrax (pictured above right) was in a movie that only fared modestly at the box office. But it was Vermithrax that made it possible for that movie to attain the status of a cult classic rather than a forgettable flop.]