Thursday, February 28, 2008

R.I.P. William F. Buckley, Jr.

We mourn the passing of William F. Buckley, yesterday at age 82. I've long admired Mr. Buckley, and had hoped to meet him someday. (Alas! as he might have said.) As his friends have noted, he had a greater impact on the country (not to mention the world) than some presidents, as well as having inspired millions of individuals. Of the reflections I've read, the most moving said that great men are rare, great men who are also good rarer still, and even more rare are those like Buckley, who was also "sweet and kind". On my car radio last night, even his political adversaries paid tribute to these qualities. His was a life well lived, one that "redeemed the time". I hope to emulate that aspectof his life (among others) more effectively. I have a shelf full of his books that I'm working my way through, and now I want to go back and get his "Firing Line" videos. But meeting the man in person is off the books this side of Heaven. Thankfully, he lived much of his life so open to the public, that maybe I can pick up some of its flavor still. William Buckley, RIP.

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